Our team

TURF Handels GmbH was founded in 1994 by DI Stephan Breisach, a recognised expert for golf course care, evaluator and educator at greenkeeper academies. As an expert in grass fertilising and care, the aim from the very start was to establish TURF as a competent partner for the care of high-quality grass areas. Today the team numbers more than 15 highly qualified employees.

The TURF team includes internationally qualified specialists for the following areas:

  • Planting technology
  • Soil and water analysis
  • Grass care and grass maintenance
  • Grass disease analysis
Stephan Breisach

Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Breisach

Court-certified expert

E  office@turf.at
T  +43 3124 29064

René Deutsch

René Deutsch


E  rdeutsch@turf.at
M +43 3124 290 64-20

Philipp Weber

Philipp Weber

Agronomist Horticulture
Head of Sales Germany

E  pweber@turf.at
M +49 173 1580197

Johannes Brunner

Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Brunner

Consulting, sales, vegetation technology

E  jbrunner@turf.at
M +43 664 4547707

Angela Dohmen

Dipl.-Ing. Angela Dohmen

Consulting, research, vegetation technology

E  adohmen@turf.at
M +49 162 4186075

Benjamin Franke

Benjamin Franke

State-certified agricultural economist
Consulting, sales, vegetation technology

E  bfranke@turf.at
M +49 172 8661075