The Andersons
Foltec NusioN
Article number APT2922X25
Zusammensetzung Andersons Foltec NusioN
The Andersons

Foltec NusioN

Article number APT2922X25


For application on all grass areas. Not recommended for use in extreme sunlight, frost, extreme stress on the grass or growth dormancy. Do not water after application, as the nutrients should be absorbed through the leaf. Apply after cutting so that it can be absorbed optimally. 75 % Long-term effect.

Recommended application

Fill the spray tank with half the water quantity required. Switch on agitator and add the desired amount of fertiliser. Add the remaining water quantity. In order to achieve a good distribution in the spray mixture, it is important that the agitator remains switch on. The use is most effective if it is applied in accordance with the granulate fertilisation programme.



Technical data

Basic fertiliser data
Packaging unit
9.45 l