Green Screen
Article number Green Screen
Amega Sciences Green Screen Sonnenbrille mit grünen Gläsern

Green Screen

Article number Green Screen
  • Super-string green pigment dye


  • Super-string green pigment dye

Green Screen a special mixture of selected dyes and wetting agents that ensure a very stable and long-lasting colour. The “Green Screen” technology works like a sun cream in order to protect grass plants under extreme conditions from strong radiation.

•    Low costs per hectare.  Low application quantity of 0.5 litre / ha. 
•    Very good alternative to green grass dye.
•    Economic alternative to reseeding.
•    Prevents possible burning, damage to the plants. Helps prevent spray wedges and saves expensive respraying.
•    Economic, saves time, money, spray and helps identify errors in the spray pattern.
•    Applied with all field sprayers and backpack sprayers.
•    No phytotoxicity or corrosion.
•    No negative effect on animals or the environment.
•    Natural, long-lasting green.

Recommended application

Half-fill sprayer with water. First mix in plant protection or liquid fertiliser as described. Then mix in Greenscreen. Application quantity between 0.5 and 1.5 litres / ha. The application quantity depends on the grass species and desired colour. Immediately clean the sprayer tank after application to prevent discolouration.



Technical data

Basic fertiliser data